I'm Meghan, and I want to impact the world through pixels.

I'm a Staff Product Designer with ~10 years of experience. Im passionate about sustainable UX and democratizing design. I'm a design coach on ADPList.com, and a teacher on Maven.com.

Top 1%

Of mentors on ADPList


Designers utilizing my playbook

My life in design

I’m a Staff Product Design Strategist with 9+ years of experience, currently shaping design experiences for Thrivent's Digital Advisor Portfolio.

I believe design is a toolbox— not a tool. Throughout the last 10 years, I've actively worked towards growing my toolbox beyond general UX foundations, frameworks, and best practices. Every role, mentor, podcast, book, webinar, and conference unlocked new compartments within my toolbox — expanding it to more of a "toolshed" you could say, with cabinets, drawers, and shelves dedicated to a variety of strategic frameworks, workshops, research tactics, business acumen, economic factors, and creative solutions.

My decade of experience stretches across various tech sectors and meaningful projects, including data protection and legal compliance at Lever, account security at Twilio, machine learning tools at Amplitude, digital mortgage shopping at Credible, and equitable car-repair assessments at RepairPal.

I'm passionate about inclusive design, sustainable UX, and advocating for neurodivergence in design and storytelling.

Contributions and Impact

I contribute design thoughts, learnings, and perspectives on UX Collective, UX Bootcamp, Medium, and have been featured in other publications such as ADPList's newsletter, engaging hundreds of thousands of designers. I recently published "The Product Designer's Interview Playbook", which reached over 600k designers globally. I actively mentor on ADPList and volunteer with LGBTQ+ youth through OutInTech's University program in the Fall and/or Spring semesters.

Prior to Thrivent, I led Apollo GraphQL's PLG & onboarding, leading to a 55% increase in engagement, a 44% increase in user graph creation, and a demo experience accounting for 30% of new onboards. I've led business critical projects that have significantly reduced churn amongst key customer segments, retaining millions in customer retention revenue. At Lever, I led the creation of custom roles (RBAC) worth $2.4mil in ACV, yielding a 57% customer retention rate, and generating $1.2Mil+ in revenue retention within 3 quarters of release. 🥳

Quick links

I believe in giving back to our design community.

Community is cool


Minutes spent with mentees in the last 45 days.

Top 1% of Mentors on ADPList


Providing over 1,100 minutes of mentorship to individuals across 10 different countries in >14 days.

Design Contributions


Designers worldwide have  downloaded my free PDF resource.

Leadership impact

The community 🌱